Monster Media 1996 #15
Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO
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Date: April 13th 1996.
This is the official list of programs I released. They all should be
somewhere in the InterNet. Try SimTel (ftp.simtel.net) or Coast To
Coast Telecommunications (ftp.coast.net) or Garbo (garbo.uwasa.fi),
where they should be. The 'Compressed' field is the name of the
archive files, followed by an extension such as .ZIP (PKZip), .LZH
(LHA), or any compressor. The official release of these programs was
packed with version 2.13 of LHA, a great packer by Haruyasu Yoshizaki.
The 'xxx' represent the package version. For example, version 2.1 of a
program will be represented as 210. If the 'Requirements' field is left
blank, the program only needs a PC and DOS 2.0 or higher. All these
programs include abundant documentation. For all these programs that run
on the DOS command line, add -? or -h to display an help screen that will
show you available options.
Name: Cut & Paste
Compressed: CPASTxxx
Version: 2.21
Size: 22 KB (package) and 2 KB in memory.
Code: Assembly
Distribution: Shareware, FF60
Requirements: A mouse, a Microsoft compatible mouse driver, and
an enhanced keyboard.
Desc: Cut & Paste is a DOS textmode based utility that allows
you to copy text from an application to paste it to another
one via the keyboard buffer, to your printer or to a file.
Cut & Paste also features various interesting abilities,
such as scrolling text selection, UMB buffer, double and
triple click to select a word or a line, and possibility
to use it in a program that uses the mouse too. Cut & Paste
works with all text modes, even hi resolution Super VGA
modes, such as 132x44 and others. Country detection to
autoselect language.
Name: Softool
Compressed: SOFTLxxx
Version: 3.0
Size: 26 KB (package) and 14 KB in memory (10 KB in low RAM).
Code: Assembly
Distribution: Shareware, FF90
Requirements: -
Desc: Softool is a resident program that brings you many useful
tools such as a memory dumper with a disassembler, a multi
base calculator, an ASCII table, a MCB viewer, an interupt
viewer, and more. This is a powerful debugging tool for
programmers, and has a neat windowed interface. Softool
works with all text modes, even hi resolution Super VGA
modes. Softool can load its 4 KB screen buffer in UMB to
save low memory. Optional online context sensitive help for
increased memory saving. Country detection to autoselect
Name: Clock
Compressed: CLOKxxx
Version: 1.32
Size: 11 KB (package) and 544 bytes in memory.
Code: Assembly
Distribution: Freeware
Requirements: 286 or higher (for the real time clock).
Desc: Clock is a resident program that allows you to display the
system time in the upper right corner of the screen. It can
be displayed continuoulsy or when you press a hotkey. You
can also select an alarm time to have the computer ringing
to warn you when wanted. Clock can be programmed to reboot
the computer at alarm time instead of ringing. All buffers
are flushed to disk and cache programs are warned before
rebooting the computer for increased security.
Name: Slow
Compressed: SLOWxxx
Version: 3.0
Size: 8 KB (package) and 560 bytes in memory.
Code: Assembly
Distribution: Shareware, FF25
Requirements: -
Desc: Slow is a small program that takes away some CPU time to
allow you to use on your fast computer programs that were
designed for old machines, and that run to fast on your
computer. Slow uses the computer's timer interrupt to run
an empty loop. Speed can be modulated while resident using
selectable hotkeys, and Slow can install itself at a given
time to slow down programs that hook the timer interrupt.
Name: Mouse2Key
Compressed: M2KEYxxx
Version: 1.20
Size: 8 KB (package) and 608 bytes in memory.
Code: Assembly
Distribution: Freeware
Requirements: A mouse and a Microsoft compatible mouse driver.
Desc: Mouse2Key allows you to use the mouse to emulate the cursor
keys in a program that does not use the mouse. Mouse2Key can
be enabled and disabled while resident to allow mouse using
programs to be run. Mouse2Key automatically detects when a
program wants to use the mouse and disables itself before
giving it the mouse.
Name: WideBuf
Compressed: WBUFxxx
Version: 1.21
Size: 7 KB (package) and about 512 bytes in memory.
Code: Assembly
Distribution: Freeware
Requirements: An enhanced keyboard
Desc: WideBuf lets you change the keyboard buffer size. It uses
the BIOS settings and installs the new buffer according to
the BIOS to ensure compatibility with the operating system
and other programs. One of the interests of this program is
that it is an EXE program, thus loadable and unloadable
from the DOS command line or a batch file, unlike the many
avalaible device drivers that do the same thing.
Name: Smooth Scroller
Compressed: SMSCRxxx
Version: 1.03
Size: 6 KB (package) and about 576 bytes in memory.
Code: Assembly
Distribution: Freeware
Requirements: A VGA compatible card and display.
Desc: Smooth Scroller replaces the standard BIOS text scrolling
routine with a new soft and smooth one, thus giving your
text mode scrolls a better look.
Name: Twilight Sentinel
Compressed: TWILSxxx
Version: 2.0
Size: 6 KB (package) and 704 bytes in memory.
Code: Assembly
Distribution: Shareware
Requirements: VGA or VGA compatible board.
Desc: Twilight Sentinel is an extremely small screen saver with
selectable delay. It saves DOS memory by blackening the
screen while saving instead of displaying animations, thus
saving even more efficiently your screen. Your applications
do not stop while Twilight Sentinel is active. They access
the screen as usual without any problems. They can even ask
Twilight Sentinel to blank or restore the screen. You can
select a password to be entered for screen restoration.
Checks both keyboard and mouse for inactivity detection.
Name: SafeDel
Compressed: SADELxxx
Version: 1.00
Size: 7 KB (package) and about 850 bytes in memory.
Code: Assembly
Distribution: Freeware
Requirements: -
Desc: SafeDel intercepts the DOS call for deleting files and
moves the file in a special directory instead of deleting
it, so it can be restored after. The deleted files directory
can be choosen thru the command line.
Name: Mute
Compressed: MUTExxx
Version: 1.10
Size: 8 KB (package) and about 512 bytes in memory.
Code: Assembly
Distribution: Freeware
Requirements: -
Desc: Mute is a small resident program that continuously checks
the PC Speaker to prevent it from emitting any beeps. Mute
as a selectable activating frequency so the user can set
the right balance between muting and speed overhead. Mute
lets digital music and SFX go thru, and just mutes beeps.
Name: BombTris
Compressed: BTRISxxx
Version: 1.20
Size: 89 KB
Code: C and Assembly
Distribution: Shareware
Requirements: VGA compatible board
Desc: BombTris is a clone of the famous TETRIS game. It adds
bombs, stuck blocks, and user customisable blocks. Uses
a nice 256 color mode. Sound Blaster supported. Cheat
codes delivered upon registration. Comes with a setup
program to select Sound Blaster settings.
Name: Valkin: Sarlan the Necromancer
Compressed: VALKNxxx
Version: 1.00
Size: 285 KB
Code: C and Assembly
Distribution: Freeware
Requirements: 286, VGA or MCGA compatible board
Desc: You are Gwinster, prince of Fyrll. The good Paladan, King
of the neighboring country of Valkin, just died, leaving
a daughter, the gorgeous Saara. You heard that Sarlan the
Necromancer plans to take advantage of Paladan's death to
conquer Valkin and become the new King. You decide to go
to Valkin to prevent Sarlan from executing his plans. You
think it's a good occasion to appear as a valliant hero
to the eyes of Saara you're secretely loving. Go and show
your courage!
Name: Killer
Compressed: KILLRxxx
Version: 1.00
Size: 7 KB (package) and 400 bytes in memory
Code: Assembly
Distribution: Shareware
Requirements: 286
Desc: Killer is a resident program that intercepts all attempts
to execute an illegal instruction. A program attempting to
do so will be stopped and Killer will display a message.
With Killer, there is an alternative to Ctrl-Alt-Del.
Name: CharWatch
Compressed: CHARWxxx
Version: 1.00
Size: 8 KB (package) and up to 544 bytes in memory
Code: Assembly
Distribution: Shareware
Requirements: -
Desc: CharWatch monitors your keyboard, printer, screen to replace
any wanted character by another one. This way, you can
replace accentuated characters by their non-accentuated
equivalent that will print well on your printer, or disable
graphics characters for drawing boxes to use text signs
to keep the advantage of drawings using graphic characters.
Several tables are predefined so you can use CharWatch
without having to define your own translation tables.